I guess that sums up the majority of reactions to the news article on February 12th in your day's newspaper.
The little phrase about 'words that hit right between your eyes' has never been so appropriate.
Mallika Sherawat is back (or backless, whichever way you see it).
And this time around, she has God, truly, at her side.
So, don't anybody ever dispute it.
Mallika Sherawat is slated to play the role of Jesus Christ's confidante in a Hollywood production called
The Aquarian Gospel .
Yeah, I know.
You have been taken on a similar ride, some time back.
You had to concentrate so hard, harder than you even did for the Math paper in your Higher Secondary Board Exams, to catch her in that Jackie Chan Thriller called The Myth.
There were a significant few who even thought that her presence was The Myth in the movie, but we will give them the benefit of doubt.
The PR machinery of dear MS was at their shrillest best with the hype of her sharing screen space with
It was more of 'looky-here-you-insignificant-earthlings-where-madam has-reached-within-a-short-time' undertone to it, than anything else.
And the blink-and-you-miss-role came and went so fast, and the Constant Fans saw through it so fast that the PR machinery was nowhere to be seen for a long time.
Till of course, Mehebooba happened.
And we sat through that too, didnt we?
Alright,back to The Aquarian Gospel.
The movie is based on the 60's best seller by Levi.H.Dowling, which traces the 'lost years' of Jesus Christ, from age 13 to 30, which most people theoretically believe to have been spend traveling through Central Asia.
There are scores of books and stronger beliefs about Him visiting Kashmir in this Season of Inner Discovery.
Mallika Sherawat plays the role of Saraswati, a celibate Yogini (am trying my level best not to smile here), who Jesus meets in India, and forges a beautiful bond of friendship during his period of stay in ancient India.
The Aquarian Gospel is directed by Drew Heriot, who made the best selling Movie in the DVD circuit in 2006-2007, THE SECRET.
Well, at least, this time around, Mme.MS is in safe hands.
About the role, Mallika is quoted to have said "I find that in most mythological and spiritual film stories, women seem to be lacking in any true wisdom or a sense of humour," "I look forward to bringing both these qualities to this character." Ahem.
Err, I just went through the inimitable and enviable 'body'of work of Ms.Mallika Sherawat, and none of it has any of these qualities being portrayed by her in any characterizations.
So, this would be a brand new avatar of Ms.Sherawat.
After,'racy', 'raunchy' and 'vampish' (epithets coined by the reigning media), we would soon be fortunate enough to see the 'wise' and 'humorous' side of Ms.Mallika Sherawat soon.
And to think, it took a Hollywood Director to find these sagely features in her.
Drew Heriot, the Director, goes on to say, "Mallika is not just a pretty face, she is versatile, has a background in philosophy, so she will convey the richness of the subject matter. "
Cant agree with you more, Mr.heriot.
And cant wait to see her new avatar.
God Knows.
You see.
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